"The Foot Soldiers" debuted in 1996 under Dark Horse Comics. Its original premise, focusing on a post-apocalyptic world where teenagers find and use the equipment of fallen superheroes to fight oppression, captured the imagination of readers looking for more depth in their comic books.
After the initial run, the title was picked up by Image Comics, where it found a broader audience and underwent further development. This move allowed Krueger to expand the storyline and delve deeper into the complexities of his characters and the world they inhabited. Artist Michael Avon Oeming's distinctive style, characterized by bold lines and dynamic compositions, perfectly complemented Krueger’s storytelling, enhancing the thematic elements of legacy and redemption.
Throughout its publication, "The Foot Soldiers" saw multiple volumes and special editions, each adding layers to the overarching narrative. The series was notable for its introspective take on heroism and justice, setting it apart from more traditional superhero comics.
Its enduring popularity attests to its unique position within the genre, combining thoughtful storytelling with compelling visual art.
The well-read son of a librarian, Story was hidden from the B.T.L.. at birth and scrapped out a meager living on the streets. After a failed attempt to prevent a baby from being taken by the B.T.L., he was taken in by a mysterious Old Man and brought to the Graveyard of Forgotten heroes. There he acquired a pair of extendable boots that allow him to strike back at the B.T.L.
John Brewster was left to fend for himself at a young age after his mother was killed by the B.T.L. The Old Man found him and took him to the Graveyard of Forgotten Heroes. There he acquired his signature mirror bottomed antigravity boots, which he now uses to fight back against the tyranny of the B.T.L. as the irrepressible Johnny Stomp.
Blind and partially disabled, Rags endured a hard scrabble existence on the streets before he was discovered by the Old Man. At the Graveyard of Forgotten Heroes, he acquired bandages that were capable of healing wounds as well as restoring his sight and mobility. Armed with a compassionate heart, he fights against the B.T.L. alongside Story and Johnny Stomp.
A former member of the B.T.L., Wall Flower defected after a fateful meeting with Story. Haunted by her past actions, she now fights alongside the Foot Soldiers in search of atonement.
A relic from the forgotten past, the mysterious Old Man has an agenda known only to himself. After taking the Foot Soldiers to the Graveyard of Forgotten Heroes and training them with their new equipment, he keeps a close eye on them from the shadows.
Known as The Deceiver, this ancient villain was awoken to the new world when the Foot Soldier’s graverobbing disturbed his deep slumber. His motivations are as mysterious as his past, but one thing is clear: he is not to be trusted.